Many outstanding NR sires are currently available to global markets. The list of available sires includes many polled and homozygous polled sires with very appealing trait profiles. The list also includes several NR sires that combine extremely high production traits and excellent udder conformation. Norwegian Red sires should be available with the proper trait profiles to meet the needs of all crossbreeding herds.
Here are some notable GS sires that are available in global markets:
Aland-PP (252NR12139) – very good all-around sire, well-balanced trait profile, excellent fat and protein percentages, excellent for heifer matings, unique and rare profile: PP, A2A2, and BB for kappa casein
Fossesholm-P (252NR12163) – very good all-around sire, very good solids yield, udder health, udder conformation, feet and legs conformation and claw health, Pp, BB for kappa casein
Hagemoen-P (252NR12114) – outstanding milk, fat and protein yield, good udder health, udder conformation, small daughters that are outstanding for Feed$aved, Pp, A2A2, AB for kappa casein
Hauen-PP (252NR12136) – well-balanced trait profile, excellent udder health and daughter fertility, good fat and protein yield, udder conformation and Feed$aved, excellent for heifer matings, PP, A2A2
Jo-Onstad-P (252NR12064) - very high solids yield, excellent udders, not for heifer matings, Pp, A2A2
Langseth (252NR12135) – very good all-around sire, excellent fat and protein yields, very good udders, A2A2
NR Draugsvoll-P (252NR12195) – high milk solids production, outstanding udder conformation and very good udder health, very good for claw health, black coat color/red carrier, Pp, A2A2
NR Duva-P (252NR12196) NEW – very good all-around sire, very high milk solids production, very good udder health, excellent for heifer matings, Pp, A2A2
NR Fallmyr-PP (252NR12203) – very good all-around sire, excellent overall daughter fertility, very good udder and feet and legs conformation, very good for heifer matings, excellent for Feed$aved, PP, A2A2
NR Finsland-P (252NR12228) NEW – high production bull, both Kg and %, outstanding udder health, excellent udders and feet&legs conformation, good for heifer matings, very good for Feed$aved, A2A2
NR Furnes (252NR12247) NEW – excellent all-around sire, very high milk solids production, outstanding udder conformation and very good udder health, very good for claw health, excellent for heifer matings, A2A2
NR Hultgren-PP (252NR12254) NEW – excellent all-around sire, very high milk solids production, outstanding udder conformation, PP, A2A2
NR Grimeland (252NR12218) – outstanding all-around sire, tremendous milk, fat and protein yields, excellent udder health and very good udder conformation, very good for heifer matings, black coat color/red carrier, A2A2
NR Hasselberg-P (252NR12202) – tremendous milk, fat and protein yields, excellent udder conformation and very good udder health, very good for Feed$aved, excellent for heifer matings, Pp, A2A2
NR Husom (252NR12238) NEW - high milk solids production, outstanding udder and feet and legs conformation, black coat color/red carrier, BB for kappa casein, A2A2
NR Jeilane (252NR12242) NEW - high milk solids production and fat and protein percentages, good udder and feet and legs conformation, AB for kappa casein, A2A2
NR Lie (252NR12241) NEW – excellent all-around sire, high milk solids production and fat and protein percentages, excellent udder conformation and very good udder health, very good feet and legs conformation and claw health, black coat color/red carrier, AB for kappa casein, A2A2
NR Lyndi-P (252NR12248) NEW – outstanding all-around sire, tremendous fat and protein yields, very good udder conformation, very good for heifer matings, very good for Feed$aved, Pp, A2A2
NR Nerby-P (252NR12255) NEW – extremely high %, outstanding udder health, great udders conformation, medium size daughters, high daughter fertility, top of rank on grazing index.
NR Osterhus (252NR12204) NEW – very good fat and protein yields, very good udder health and daughter fertility, excellent for heifer matings, A2A2
NR Raset (252NR12206) – excellent all-around sire, excellent milk, fat and protein yields, outstanding fat and protein percentages, excellent udder health, black coat color/red carrier, A2A2
NR Rem-P (252NR12211) NEW – very good fat and protein yields, very good udder and feet and legs conformation, very good for heifer matings, Pp, A2A2
NR Romenstad (252NR12187) NEW - tremendous milk solids production, good udder conformation, excellent for heifer matings, AB for kappa casein, A2A2
NR Sande-PP (252NR12225) NEW – good all-around sire, outstanding udder health, very good for Feed$aved, good for heifer matings, AB for kappa casein, PP, A2A2
NR Skjefstad-PP (252NR12188) – very good solids yield, very good udder conformation, very good for heifer matings, PP, A2A2
NR Skoien (252NR12222) – tremendous all-around sire, tremendous milk, fat and protein yields, excellent udder health and udder conformation, excellent feet and legs and claw health, excellent for heifer matings, A2A2, extremely high demand sire
NR Tornes-PP (252NR12201) – excellent all-around sire, high component percentages and excellent solids yield, excellent overall daughter health, very good udder conformation, very good for heifer matings, very good for Feed$aved, PP, A2A2
Oaland-PP (252NR12093) – good all-around sire, well-balanced trait profile, excellent daughter fertility, good udders, good for heifer matings, good for Feed$aved, PP, A2A2
Daughter-proven sires available in some markets
Several top daughter-proven NR sires are alive and available including Hustad (252NR11817), Krovoll (252NR11921), Maurstad-PP (252NR12009), Ofstad-P (252NR11919), and Roen (252NR11690). Many other daughter-proven sires are dead but have limited semen available for some markets. Herds interested in daughter-proven sires should discuss options with their local supplier or contact Geno directly for support.
Roen should be mentioned as he is a favorite in many markets that want daughter-proven sires. Roen has both conventional and REDX semen available. Roen transmits outstanding milk solids production along with small daughter size and weight. The average mature weight of his purebred NR daughters is 569 kg (1252 pounds). Roen is outstanding for Feed$aved as well as for calving ease.
Recent proof run results show the stability of Geno’s EBV’s
Newly updated Norwegian Red (NR) genetic evaluations for December 2022 are now available. Genomic BV for NR sires has proven to have outstanding reliability as BV for NR GS sires has been an excellent predictor of future daughter-based BV. In general, most breeding values (BV) for recently and currently exported sires changed very little since the August proof run, showing the stability of Geno’s EBV’s. Genetic evaluation models from Geno did not change between the August 2022 and this December 2022 genetic evaluation run, although additional data and new daughters have been added and some genomic-selected (GS) sires from the past are now daughter proven.
The next official genetic evaluations will be available on April 4, 2023.
Go to the Norwegian Red Sire Catalogue