Geno group

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Geno's investment in the Research & Development of the Norwegian Red breed has resulted in several biotechnology companies where Geno currently has ownership.

Who we are

Geno is the breeding organization of Norwegian Red, the main dairy breed in Norway. The cooperative system gives the farmer members the power to influence the development of the Norwegian Red breeding program.

Geno's Head Office is in Hamar, Norway.

Geno group of companies

Geno Global AS
Geno Global was established in 2003 to handle all exports of Norwegian Red genetics.

SpermVital AS
SpermVital was founded by Geno and the SINTEF Group. Together, these two companies have developed a revolutionary insemination technology for artificial insemination of domestic animals that extends the life of spermatozoa after insemination. This makes the timing of insemination less critical with regards to ovulation in the female and increases the odds of fertilization success. Geno also handles international sales of Norwegian Red semen with SpermVital technology.

Read more about the SpermVital technology here