12114 Hagemoen-P

Time to read: ca 1 min

A great sire for intensively managed herds!


Top traits

  • Milk
  • Feet and legs

12114 Hagemoen-P was added to global market in August of 2021. He is a bull with a very exciting trait profile, making him the perfect match for intensively managed herds! What you can expect when using this sire is superb production (especially milk, fat and protein yield), very good udder health and conformation and A2A2 for beta casein. His kappa casein is AB. His daughters are also medium sized, which is great for our Feed$aved trait, giving dairy farmers cows with high milk production and low feed maintenance costs.

12114 Hagemoen-P has a well known pedigree. He is sired by the daughter proven sire 11919 Ofstad-P which were outstanding in the December 2021 Proof Run. His maternal grand-sire is another daughter proven bull, 11308 Hofstad. 

Polled genetics

The "P" in Hagemoens name represents his status as heterozygous polled. This gene results in an average of a minimum of 50% hornless calves. If you want to avoid stress in calves and costs related to dehorning, this is a great sire for you.

Son of 12114 Hagemoen-P

Calf sired by 12114 Hagemoen-P

Photo: Turi Nordengen/Geno

Up and coming son of 12114 Hagemoen P. This bull calf was picked up by Geno to potentially become an AI-sire.