The August 2024 Proof Run Update

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The August 2024 genetic evaluations for Norwegian Red (NR) are now available, offering updated insights with enhanced accuracy.

NR Hallanger (252NR12349) is an excellent all-around sire with outstanding fat and protein percentages as well as excellent fat and protein yields. Photo: Turi Nordengen

The August 2024 genetic evaluations for Norwegian Red (NR) are now available.  Models used for recent genetic evaluations were also used for this August proof run as no important changes were made to the genetic evaluation models for this proof run.  However, many more genotypes and phenotypic records have been added recently so accuracies of genomic breeding values continue to increase.

Genomic breeding values for NR have impressive accuracy and little to no bias.  This ensures that NR sires' genomic predictions accurately reflect daughter-based outcomes, giving customers confidence in the current NR genomic data.  For more details on their accuracy, please listen to the recent webinar on this topic.

Norwegian Red Sires available to global markets

This new proof round brings a lot of excitement as several new NR bulls are available in the global markets.  Below are a few examples of outstanding sires currently on offer, but many more excellent sires are also available. The latest sires feature elite breeding values for production traits and other key characteristics. Additionally, many recent NR sires are homozygous polled (PP), ensuring all their calves will be polled. Customers should contact their local distributor or Geno for a complete list of available NR bulls.

Here are five exceptional NR sires that should now be available in many markets:


NR Hallanger (252NR12349)

Hallanger is an excellent all-around sire with outstanding fat and protein percentages as well as excellent fat and protein yields.  Hallanger will also sire excellent udder conformation and is especially high for hoof/claw health.  His daughters are expected to excel in udder health and fertility as well.  Hallanger is elite for calving ease so he would be an outstanding choice for maiden heifers.  Also, note that he will sire small daughters with outstanding feed efficiency.  Hallanger is A2A2.

NR Hamre-PP (252NR12382)

Hamre-PP is an excellent all-around sire that is homozygous polled and will become very popular in many markets.  Hamre-PP will sire outstanding fat and protein yields as well as high fat and protein percentages.  He will also sire excellent udder conformation and very good feet and legs so he is an outstanding choice for herds that manage for high production.  Hamre-PP can be used on maiden heifers.  Hamre-PP is unique because he is also homozygous black (also A2A2).  This means that essentially all his offspring will be black (not red) when mated to common breeds of dairy cattle.  In addition, his offspring will have predominately black coats with limited white in most cases (depending on the dam’s amount of white if the dam is not solid colored).   This black coat color and the high percentage of black coat might be important for herds that want to maintain black coat color and for herds that get a premium from male calves with black coat color.

NR Jamtheimen-PP (252NR12389)

Jamtheimen-PP is an excellent all-around sire, especially for grazing herds and other herds looking for an excellent fat percentage, protein percentages, daughter fertility, udder health, and udder conformation.  He is also very good for hoof/claw health and calving traits.  High breeding values for calving ease and stillbirths make him a good choice for maiden heifers.  In addition, Jamtheimen-PP will sire moderate to small daughter size making him an outstanding choice to improve feed efficiency.  He is A2A2.

NR Melleby (252NR12381)

Melleby is the first available son of 12222 NR Skoien. He is another outstanding sire for milk, fat, and protein production and he is also favorable for fat and protein percentages. Melleby will be a great fit for high-production herds especially those herds that sell to cheese markets.  His daughters will have excellent udder conformation as well as very good feet and legs.  Melleby will moderate body size and weight when used on large cows as his daughters will be smaller than average for Norwegian Red sires so his daughters should be outstanding for feed efficiency.  Melleby is a very good choice for maiden heifers.  Melleby is expected to become popular in many markets very quickly.

NR Muri-P (252NR12297)

Muri-P is an outstanding sire for herds that manage for high production.  Muri-P is the highest sire for milk, fat and protein production released globally by Geno to date.  Muri-P will sire very good udder conformation, feet and legs (with excellent claw health), and excellent udder health.  Muri-P will reduce or moderate daughter size as his daughters will be smaller in body weight compared to average NR sires so customers can expect outstanding feed efficiency in Muri-P daughters.  Muri-P is an excellent choice for maiden heifers.  He is heterozygous polled and A2A2.  Muri-P is already extremely popular in many markets.

The next official genetic evaluations will be available on December 3, 2024.

Advancements in the Accuracy of Genomic Selection (GS) in Norwegian Red Breeding Values